Friday, April 10, 2015

The Laura Ingalls Phase

In the last 6 months or so Lujayne has changed her fashion style and I can only best describe this phase as the Laura Ingalles phase, you know the sweet little kid from Little House on the Prairie. 

Suddenly she wanted dresses and skirts down to her ankles, long sleeves, black jeans and black t-shirts ( ok Laura didn't have those I admit) and I trying to be the loving supportive mother that I am (cue laughter) and have gone along for the ride. 

A few weeks ago I asked her to throw out a nightie I had made for back in October, 2010. It was so worn and faded.

She agreed on the condition that I make her more. For such a very long time I have not touched my sewing machine and I figured this was a good opportunity to dust off the cobwebs. Mistakenly I mentioned that "we" could make matching nighties for her AG dolls Melissa and Kit. We got started on Easter Sunday as it was a school holiday. 

It took us all day to get the patterns done, fabric cut and to finish one for the "girls". My enthusiasm waned over the week but today I finally finished Lulu's nightie. I realised that I should have tapered the bottom out when I added the length but she can still walk so it got her stamp of approval and her request for several more "just like it". I think I will do two more in jersey and then try a cotton one. 

Getting her pose was a funny thing, my gorgeous girl. 

Thanks for stopping by ...

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